
Web App to Easily Visualise Geographic Data

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A .Net Web Api and React SPA to manage and visualise .csv and .geojson datasets


This was a coding challenge and is now archived.

Build Status



  • .Net Core 8.0
  • Visual Studio 2022/Rider & VSCode or CLI
  • NodeJs v20+ (16 or 18 may be fine )

Getting Started

  1. Back-end
    1. Build and Run the .Net Web Api located at /src/backend/Api/Api.csproj in debug mode
      1. Can be run with VisualStudio or Rider using the https launch profile
      2. Can be run from CLI running the npm script api from the /frontend folder or running dotnet run --launch-profile https
    2. Note: This will open swagger, ensure you accept the developer certificate
  2. Front-end
    1. Navigate to /src/frontend/ in the terminal
    2. Run npm run setup to install pnpm and the project packages
    3. Run npm start to run vite
    4. Note: API Models are generated using NSwagStudio, configuration file is available nswagconfig.nswag
  3. Database
    1. Nothing needs to be done, the project should create a sqlite database automatically in the local user directory C:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local
    2. Delete the file and re-run the project to start clean



Develop a web-based file and folder explorer with the following features.

  • Display a file directory tree view to navigate within your file and folder system.
  • Display a breadcrumb trail with links to parent or grandparent folders.
  • Display a list of files and folders for selected folders.
  • Create folders that can be named (‘rename’ functionality is not required).
  • Select a local file and upload it to the file directory. Only csv or a geojson files can be uploaded (see example files).


  • A user can manage a web based folder structure.
  • A folder can have a parent folder.
  • A folder with no parent is considered a root directory.
  • A folder can contain any number of files or folders


  • Directory - A Virtual directory with its overall structure determined by a parent id to another directory (no id means root directory)
  • Document - An uploaded document with a record persisted to reference its parent directory


    Document ||--o{ Directory : has-many
    Document {
		guid Id
		guid ParentDirectoryId
        string Name
        string Extension
        byte[] Data
    Directory ||--o{ Document : has-one
    Directory ||--o{ Directory : has-none-or-many
    Directory {
		guid Id
		guid ParentDirectoryId
		string Name

Current Limitations

  • Directory Heirarchy is built using a single table using the entity DocumentDirectoryNode. To determine the folder structure you must traverse all nodes in the table, this is a time complexity issue for larger systems and should be refactored into a graph style dataset.
  • Performance will be an issue on the frontend due to lack of response caching but this can be overcome with more work.

Future Plans

Non Functional

  • Add Unit Tests. Back-end and Front-end.
  • Find a better blob storage (dont store in sql?)
  • Migrate from Sqlite to Postgres
  • Fix Fluent validation for CreateDocumentCommand
  • Remove auto migrations from Program.cs and find a better approach
  • Frontend-Dev: Better layout of components and structure of the project, better naming, use more components
  • Frontend: FolderExplorerContext getting messy and look into implementing cancellation tokens for api request


  • Add Login System using cookies
  • Add Rename/Update/Delete capability for Documents and Directories
  • Fix Performance/Time Complexity of the GetDirectoryStructureQuery
  • Add Pagination to GetDocumentListQuery
  • Frontend: Improve UI (loading screens, table styling, request caching, display errors better using modal or toast messages)