Curling Scoreboard

A simple Curling Scoreboard, written in Flutter, meant to be used in any curling club that has an electronic scoreboard.

Project Setup

This project is a basic Flutter application so environment setup can be found and followed on the main Flutter developer site.

After cloning the repo and opening the project in VSCode you should be able to run the Launch Web target to see everything up and working.

Making Releases

Version Bump

This is handled by the version_increment workflow. This will automatically read the commits, create the changelog and release notes and commit it all back to the main branch.

  1. Remove the branch protection on main by changing the branch protection rules. Just change the branch name pattern to something like notmain.
  2. Go to the version_increment action and click on "Run Workflow". Ensure it is on the main branch and click "Run Workflow" to start it.
  3. When the build completes, turn the branch protection back on by reverting the pattern to main