Regularized inverse Scattering

This repository contains the code to reproduce the experiments of the paper:

Generative networks as inverse problems with Scattering transforms

Specifically, it contains the code necessary to invert the representations given by a fixed encoder (or embedding operator).

It is implemented using PyTorch. The file contains the class GSN that implements the optimization of a network defined in; in the file one can modify all the parameters taking into account the following:

  • There should be a 'datasets' folder in your home folder which contains two folders for the train and test images and two folders for its corresponding representations (embedding_attribute in

  • The models and the generations are saved in the folder 'experiments/gsn_hf' inside your home folder, the name of the folder is the name of the experiment indicated as a parameter in

To compute the representations you can use PyScatWave and to whiten them you can use PCA from scikit-learn.