Homework solutions for BIK-PA2 @ B212 @ FIT CTU

In this repo, you can find my solutions for Progtest tasks assigned in B202 and B212 (some of them are identical). The repo is published in the hope it might help someone.

Quick summary

Even though my results were not 100%, at least I can tell that I tried.

Normal tasks:

  • 01: 4.87 points gained / 5 + 0.50 (bonus) total
  • 02: 5.00 points gained / 5 + 0.50 (bonus) total
  • 03: 4.91 points gained / 5 + 0.50 (bonus) total
  • 04: 0.00 points gained / 5 + 0.50 (bonus) total
  • 05: 5.50 points gained / 5 + 0.50 (bonus) total
  • 06: 3.00 points gained / 5 + 0.50 (bonus) total
  • 07: 0.00 points gained / 5 + 0.50 (bonus) total

Semester task:

My semester task was TSpain(t). Gained 10.7400 / 12.0000 total possible points with following detailed rating:

[20 %] Completion of assignment
90% (Meets assignment)
[20 %] Program function
90 % (Works correctly )
[20%] Module and class division, encapsulation
100 % (Division into modules, classes and methods without reservations)
[5 %] Code readability and clarity, use of appropriate syntactic constructs
70% (Sometimes unclear code, occasional long/overly embedded constructs)
[5%] Code formatting (indentation, choice of identifiers, ...)
70% (Systematic with occasional inconsistencies)
[7%] Comments
50 % (Substantial comments are sometimes missing)
[8 %] Makefile
100 % (Ok, correct dependencies, parameterized, readable)
[5 %] GIT
100% (Regular use)
[10%] Testing
100% (Intensive (test suites, unit tests, ...))
Overall rating: 89.50 %

and these amazing drawing results

circle circle2 colorellipses_auto1.5
duck ellipse100 ellipsep250
eye house_pass imagenice
newstar out1 out2_8
outt outtt rose
screenshot starnew2 stars


I strongly discourage you from copying the code from the repository. If you are looking for inspiration, take a look here). There is nothing really to copy. In case you deside to do so, it might help you at the moment, but in the long-term, it will just harm you. Most of the courses @ Progtest have an anti-cheating mechanism, be aware. It might not be easy, but you are here to acquire knowledge and if you'd wanted it by the easy way, you wouldn't have chosen FIT CTU.