Archive previewer


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Download and install poetry curl -sSL | python
  3. Install dependencies poetry install
  4. Run poetry run flask run --port 8000

The task is to implement an "Archive previewer" HTTP JSON API in python using flask web framework. That API accepts a ZIP file, processes it on the server, and returns results of processing (list of files inside with their sizes) to the user in JSON format. All processing results are saved to the SQLite database. Repository with the project should be hosted on the and Github Actions should be used for checking code style with pylint and running tests.

API Description

The API should accept 2 requests. One request to upload a file and see its uploading results and the second one to see all previously uploaded files. Every uploaded file should be processed only once (and then discarded), data about the file should be saved to an SQLite database. SQLAlchemy should be used as an ORM for accessing data.

  1. GET / This endpoint returns a list of all files that were previously uploaded to the service.

    Example output:

        "id": 1,
        "file": "",
        "content": [
          { "path": "a.txt", "size": 3032 },
          { "path": "vacation/summer.jpg", "size": 300720 }
        "id": 2,
        "file": "",
        "content": [{ "path": "let/it/be.exe", "size": 487348 }]
  2. Result page POST /

    This endpoint accepts one file as a request body and returns the content of the file. By the end of request processing, the file should not be saved on the server.

    Example request:

    curl --request POST -F "file=@/path/to/" http://localhost:8000

    Example response:

      "id": 3,
      "file": "",
      "content": [{ "path": "something.docx", "size": 754678 }]

Tests and CI

Source code should be stored in a public repository on or in a private one shared with user It's recommended to not only push the final code to the repo, but also make commits during the process.


Project repo should contain .github/workflows directory with a workflow, that defines 2 jobs: test and lint .

During the linting stage, the codebase should be checked using pylint (with any set of rules). Tests should be written using pytest . There should be at least one unit test for a function that processes a zip archive and one integration test that uploads a known zip file and checks the output of the POST / endpoint.

Useful links