Overparameterized neural networks are lazy (Chizat et al., 2019), so we design structures and objectives that can be easily optimized.
is a PyTorch
-based package for neural natural language processing, currently supporting the following tasks:
- Text Classification (Experimental Results)
- Named Entity Recognition (Experimental Results)
- Sequence Tagging
- Span Classification
- Boundary Selection
- Relation Extraction (Experimental Results)
- Attribute Extraction
- Machine Translation
- Image Captioning
This repository also maintains the code of our papers:
- Check this link for "Boundary Smoothing for Named Entity Recognition" accepted to ACL 2022 main conference.
- Check this link for the annotation scheme described in "A Unified Framework of Medical Information Annotation and Extraction for Chinese Clinical Text".
$ conda install numpy=1.18.5 pandas=1.0.5 xlrd=1.2.0 matplotlib=3.2.2
$ conda install pytorch=1.7.1 torchvision=0.8.2 torchtext=0.8.1 {cpuonly|cudatoolkit=10.2|cudatoolkit=11.0} -c pytorch
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- From source (suggested)
$ python setup.py sdist
$ pip install dist/eznlp-<version>.tar.gz --no-deps
- With
$ pip install eznlp --no-deps
$ python scripts/text_classification.py --dataset <dataset> [options]
$ python scripts/entity_recognition.py --dataset <dataset> [options]
$ python scripts/relation_extraction.py --dataset <dataset> [options]
$ python scripts/attribute_extraction.py --dataset <dataset> [options]
If you find our code useful, please cite the following papers:
title={Boundary Smoothing for Named Entity Recognition},
author={Zhu, Enwei and Li, Jinpeng},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)},
address={Dublin, Ireland},
publisher={Association for Computational Linguistics},
title={A Unified Framework of Medical Information Annotation and Extraction for {C}hinese Clinical Text},
author={Zhu, Enwei and Sheng, Qilin and Yang, Huanwan and Li, Jinpeng},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.03823},
- Unify the data interchange format as a dict, i.e.,
- Reorganize
- Memory optimization for large dataset for training PLM
- More relation extraction models
- Multihot classification
- Unify the aggregation interface of pooling and attention
- Radical-level features
- Data augmentation
- Loss increases in later training phases -> LR finder?
- Chizat, L., Oyallon, E., and Bach, F. (2019). On lazy training in differentiable programming. NeurIPS 2019, 2937–2947.