CPSolver entry to the International Timetabling Competition 2007 (ITC2007) http://www.cpsolver.org/itc2007/
The constraint solver was among finalists for all three tracks of the International Timetabling Competition 2007 (ITC2007) and it won two of them.
International Timetabling Competition 2007 consisted of three tracks of timetabling problems:
- Track 1: Examination Timetabling
- Track 2: Post Enrollment based Course Timetabling
- Track 3: Curriculum Based Course Timetabling
In this project, the solver that was developed using Constraint Solver Library to solve all these three tracks is presented.
The solver got among finalists for all three tracks (i.e., between 5 solvers that scored the best on the published data sets in each competition track). It won two tracks.
- 1st place in Track 1: Examination Timetabling,
- 5th place in Track 2: Post Enrollment based Course Timetabling,
- 1st place in Track 3: Curriculum Based Course Timetabling.
See offical pages for more details.