
Web site for Masters of Topolcany tennis competition.

Primary LanguageRuby


  • This web application has been developed for the new tennis competition being played in my original hometown organised by my friend. It is a voluntary non-profit project just to make the competition happen.

  • The public pages display planned and completed matches and rankings of players switchable by individual rounds.

  • The organizer of the competition can sign in and manage the players, rounds and matches. It includes functionality for automatic swiss tossing system for next rounds to be played.

Ruby version

  • 2.5.3

Rails version

  • 5.2.3

Database creation

  • rails db:migrate:reset

Database seeds

  • rails db:seed

How to run the test suite

  • bundle exec rspec spec

Start the server

  • rails s

Visit homepage

Tasks to run on deployed app

  • rails data:create_users
  • rails data:create_categories
  • rails c
  • CreateSeason.call("Your season name")
  • exit rails c