
This file contains the most important commands for navigating Helpy.

Network manipulation

The following commands are used to modify the railway network.

Command Description
Change Railway Sources Changes the sources (the stations from which trains are sent) of the railway network.
Change Railway Sources Changes the sinks (the stations where trains are sent) of the railway network.


The following commands display the results of the flow algorithms applied to the network.

Command Description
Calculate Maximum Trains Calculates the maximum amount of trains that can either:
1. Simultaneously travel between two stations;
2. Simultaneously arrive at a station.
Display Busiest Pairs Computes the pairs of stations that have whose amount of trains that can simultaneously travel between them is the HIGHEST of the entire network.

Network analysis


The following commands statistically analyse the train usage of railway network.
It is important to note that, unlike the commands in the previous section, they take into account the ENTIRE railway network.

Command Description
Display Busiest Stations Computes the top-k stations that have the most trains circulating in the railways that are connected to it.
Display Busiest Districts Computes the top-k districts that have the most trains circulating in them.
Display Busiest Municipalities Computes the top-k municipalities that have the most trains circulating in them.


The following command concerns the monetary cost of maintaining the railway network.

Command Description
Calculate Maximum Trains Calculates the maximum amount of trains that can simultaneously travel between two stations with minimum cost for the company.

NOTE: This command is the same as the one mentioned above. However, to access this particular functionality, it is necessary to select option 1.

Network reduction

The following commands have to do with networks of reduced connectivity i.e. networks with at least one railway that cannot be used.

Command Description
Change Railway Network Creates a railway network of reduced connectivity.
Determine Most Affected Computes the top-k stations that were the most affected by the network reduction.

NOTE: This command only works if the current network is of reduced connectivity.