Template Banking Payments Initiation Service Provider Experience API

License Agreement

Note that using this template is subject to the conditions of this License Agreement. Please review the terms of the license before downloading and using this template. In short, you are allowed to use the template for free with Mule ESB Enterprise Edition, CloudHub, or as a trial in Anypoint Studio.

Use Case

This API allows to initiate payment via bank directly by pre-registered merchant. Merchant must first register itself and receive client_id and client_secret. Payment information is encoded in JWT format and signed with merchant's generated One Time Signing Key. Resulting JWT token is attached as request query parameter and sent to /initiate PISP endpoint. For further information about query parameters, please refer to the RAML file.

After user follows the redirect to the PISP initiate endpoint, he/she is redirected to the authorization server to validate user identity. Upon successful authentication, self-contained access_token in JWT form (signed with RSA and encrypted with AES) is generated. User is then redirected back to the PISP consent page to select account from which the payment should be executed. Once the user confirms the payment, two factor authentication process begins and 4 digit code is sent to user's mobile phone registered with the bank account. Page to enter the code is shown and when user hits 'Pay now' button, code is verified and if everything is OK, Payment process API is invoked to execute the payment and notify the user via SMS about the transaction. After successful payment, user is redirected back to the merchant page defined in the payment initiation request token.


To run this Anypoint Template there are certain preconditions that must be considered. Failling to do so could lead to unexpected behavior of the template.

APIs security considerations

This API is meant to be deployed to CloudHub and managed using the API Platform Manager.

Run it!

Simple steps to get PISP Experience API running. See below.

Running on premise

In this section we detail the way you should run your Anypoint Template on your computer.

Where to Download Anypoint Studio and Mule ESB

First thing to know if you are a newcomer to Mule is where to get the tools.

  • You can download Anypoint Studio from this Location
  • You can download Mule ESB from this Location

Importing an Anypoint Template into Studio

Anypoint Studio offers several ways to import a project into the workspace, for instance:

  • Anypoint Studio generated Deployable Archive (.zip)
  • Anypoint Studio Project from External Location
  • Maven-based Mule Project from pom.xml
  • Mule ESB Configuration XML from External Location

You can find a detailed description on how to do so in this Documentation Page.

Running on Studio

Once you have imported you Anypoint Template into Anypoint Studio you need to follow these steps to run it:

  • Locate the properties file mule-<env>.properties, in src/main/app/resources
  • Complete all the properties required as per the examples in the section Properties to be configured
  • Once that is done, right click on you Anypoint Template project folder
  • Hover you mouse over "Run as"
  • Click on "Mule Application"

Running on Mule ESB stand alone

Complete all properties in one of the property files, for example in mule.prod.properties and run your app with the corresponding environment variable to use it. To follow the example, this will be mule.env=prod.

Running on CloudHub

While creating your application on CloudHub (Or you can do it later as a next step), you need to go to "Manage Application" > "Properties" to set all environment variables detailed in Properties to be configured. Follow other steps defined here and once your app is all set and started, there is no need to do anything else.

Deploying your Anypoint Template on CloudHub

Anypoint Studio provides you with really easy way to deploy your Template directly to CloudHub, for the specific steps to do so please check this link

Applying policies on CloudHub

When a Mule application is deployed using the Mule 3.8.2+ Runtime, the API Manager allows you to dynamically apply different policies that can be used for securing the application, among many other things. More information can be found in API Manager policies documentation

This API requires application of Custom Client Credentials Enforcement policy in order to validate the merchant when requesting the initial signing key (/key endpoint) to produce payment JWT token. Merchant application must be registered via the Anypoint Platform Developer Portal to access this API.

Properties to be configured (With examples)

In order to use this Mule Anypoint Template you need to configure properties (Credentials, configurations, etc.) either in properties file or in CloudHub as Environment Variables.

Detailed list with examples:

Application properties

  • https.port 8082

#HTTPS settings keystore.location keystore.jks keystore.password keystore_password key.password key_password

#Anypoint Platform synchronization anypoint.platform.client_id client_id anypoint.platform.client_secret client_secret api.name bank-pisp-experience-api api.version v1 api.id 123456789

#PISP API configuration #pisp.endpoint is hostname (with port if not 80 or 443) such as 'myapp.cloudhub.io' or 'localhost:8082 pisp.baseUrl https://pisp-exp-api.example.com:443/api pisp.client_id client_id pisp.client_secret client_secret pisp.expected_audience https://pisp-exp-api.example.com pisp.redirect_uri https://${pisp.baseUrl}/payment/consent pisp.confirmation_url ${pisp.baseUrl}/payment/confirmPayment pisp.otp_url ${pisp.baseUrl}/payment/code

#Notifications System API (protocol://host:port/basePath) api.banking.notifications.baseUrl https://notifications-system-api.example.com:443/api

#Accounts Process API (protocol://host:port/basePath) api.banking.accounts.baseUrl https://accounts-process-api.example.com:443/api

#Payments Process API (protocol://host:port/basePath) api.banking.payments.baseUrl https://payment-process-api.example.com:443/api

#Authorization server details #Authorization server URL (protocol://host:port/basePath) as.baseUrl https://auth.example.com:443/api #RSA key pair in JWK format as.signing.algorithm RS256 as.encryption.algorithm A128GCM #AES key in JWK format as.encryption.key.path shared-key.jwk as.issuer https://auth.example.com #URL containing JWK Set of RSA public key(s) for verification as.jwks.url https://auth.example.com:443/api/jwks.json