
behavior with different partition assignment strategies

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Partition assignment example

See the behavior of the partition assignment in different configuration


How to run

1. Producer

In one terminal, start the cluster and producer (you will be asked some questions):


For each tipic, we will feed it with 600000 records, so it can take some time :-)


  [+] Running 3/3
  ⠿ Network kafka-partition-assignment-examples_default  Created                <-- cluster being started                                                                                                                      0.0s
  ⠿ Container zookeeper                                  Started                                                                                                                                      0.4s
  ⠿ Container broker                                     Started                                                                                                                                      0.7s
  Should I create a new topic? [y/n]: y
  How many partitions? 1
  Created topic topic-0.
  Should I create a new topic? [y/n]: y
  How many partitions? 3
  Created topic topic-1.
  Should I create a new topic? [y/n]: y
  How many partitions? NaN
  error: 'NaN' is not a valid number
  Start again :-(
  Should I create a new topic? [y/n]: y
  How many partitions? 2
  Created topic topic-2.
  Should I create a new topic? [y/n]: n
  all topics = topic-0,topic-1,topic-2
  ... # producer will be started

2. Status

In another terminal, check the status

./status.sh <consumer-group>


  ./status.sh g2
  Date: 2022-08-25T23:39:24.017862 - consumerGroup: g2

  Topic     Partition   currentOffset   end Offset   Client Id      instanceId
  topic-0        0             27110       114036    consumer-0     consumer-0
  topic-0        1             27703       121839    consumer-1     consumer-1
  topic-0        2             27766       127915    consumer-2     consumer-2
  topic-0        3             27759       132468    consumer-3     consumer-3
  topic-0        4             18281       103742    consumer-4     consumer-4
  topic-1        0             20061        45374    consumer-0     consumer-0
  topic-1        1             18033        50980    consumer-0     consumer-0
  topic-1        2             18071        52326    consumer-1     consumer-1
  topic-1        3             19474        56567    consumer-1     consumer-1
  topic-1        4             19761        58721    consumer-2     consumer-2
  topic-1        5             18249        60598    consumer-2     consumer-2
  topic-1        6             18294        63834    consumer-3     consumer-3
  topic-1        7             19219        69336    consumer-3     consumer-3
  topic-1        8             22302        69547    consumer-4     consumer-4
  topic-1        9             18417        72717    consumer-4     consumer-4
  consumer-0	topic-0(0) topic-1(0,1)
  consumer-1	topic-0(1) topic-1(2,3)
  consumer-2	topic-0(2) topic-1(4,5)
  consumer-3	topic-0(3) topic-1(6,7)
  consumer-4	topic-0(4) topic-1(8,9)

3. Consumers

And in another terminal, launch the consumer group

 ./launch-consumer.sh <strategy> <initial consumers> <consumer-group> <static-assignment>

Strategies can be:

static-assignment can be true or false (false by default) (timeout is 10 seconds)


  $ ./launch-consumer.sh range 3 r3 true
  consumer-0 launched [11137]
  consumer-1 launched [11138]
  consumer-2 launched [11139]
  What's next? [a] Add new consumer, [k] kill a consumer, [e] exit: a
  Give the consumer number you want to create: 3
  consumer-3 launched [11160]
  What's next? [a] Add new consumer, [k] kill a consumer, [e] exit: a
  Give the consumer number you want to create: 4
  consumer-4 launched [11170]
  What's next? [a] Add new consumer, [k] kill a consumer, [e] exit: k
  Give the consumer number you want to kill: 3
  Consumer 3 killed (pid 11160) - Date: Thu Aug 25 23:31:01 CEST 2022
  What's next? [a] Add new consumer, [k] kill a consumer, [e] exit: k
  Give the consumer number you want to kill: 2
  Consumer 2 killed (pid 11139) - Date: Thu Aug 25 23:31:16 CEST 2022
  What's next? [a] Add new consumer, [k] kill a consumer, [e] exit: e
  Time to clean up!
  consumers 4
  Consumer 0 killed (pid 11137) - Date: Thu Aug 25 23:31:17 CEST 2022
  Consumer 1 killed (pid 11138) - Date: Thu Aug 25 23:31:17 CEST 2022
  No pid found for consumer 2.
  No pid found for consumer 3.
  Consumer 4 killed (pid 11170) - Date: Thu Aug 25 23:31:17 CEST 2022

Clean up

  1. Stop all scripts

  2. Run

    docker-compose down -v
