
Verify the case when the namespace is different from the connect.name in a replication

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Replicator Schema demo


Confirm the connect.name forces the replicated namespace in the destination schema.

Running the demo


Then add some content

docker-compose exec srcSchemaregistry kafka-avro-console-producer --broker-list srcKafka:19092 --topic topic-test --property schema.registry.url=http://srcSchemaregistry:8085 --property value.schema="$(cat data/schema.json)"
{"field1" : "a0", "field2": "b0"}

Confirm the namespaces are different:

curl http://localhost:8085/subjects/topic-test-value/versions/1/schema | jq
curl http://localhost:8086/subjects/topic-test-value/versions/1/schema | jq


  1. Stop the consumer (control C)
  2. Clean the docker cluster docker-compose down -v


Set the connect.name schema property as namespace + name