
A simple integration to push mongodb atlas project events from the activity feed into a Slack Channel

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MongoDB Atlas Activity Feed sync with Slack

This script should fetch Activity Feed data from the MongoDB Atlas Admin API for a specific project and send it to a Slack Channel

This script could be easily modified to accomodate more complex needs

Pre Requisite

  • An apiKey with Project Scope and Project Read Only permissions needs to be created Make sure to write down the details of the apiKey created
  • A new app in your Slack wotkspace needs to be created Full instructions here
    1. Create a new app
    2. Create a bot user
    3. Add scopes (the only required one is chat:write)
    4. Copy the Bot User OAuth Token from the OAuth & Permissions section
  • In your Slack workspace its recommended to create a dedicated channel to recieve all the notifications
    • Once the channel has been created, the bot needs to be manually added to the channel -This can also be done on the Channel settings, via the Integrations tab

Script Instalation

A new AppServices app needs to be created (You could reuse an existing one, its up to how you want to organize your apps)

Usually a MongoDB Atlas AppService app is linked to a datasource (mongodb atlas cluster), in this case this is not required. If asked to link a datasource just skip or add any of the available sources

Once the application has been created, we will need to create the function and the config stored as App Values.

Before that, make sure to replace the config file values/mongodb-slack-activityfeed.json inside this repo with real values

  • Replace mongodb.clientId with the clientId of the MongoDB Atlas Project apiKey
  • Replace mongodb.projectId with the MongoDB Atlas projectId to monitor
  • Replace mongodb.clusterNames specify as an array of strings all the clusters inside the previously indicated project that you woulk like to get notifications (Use the display name of the clusters)
  • Replace mongodb.eventType specify as an array of strings all the events you would like notifications. To get the list of events check Event Type Values. (If all event types are needed leave as an empty array). Also have in mind that these events types change frequently

Create values

In the Values section of your App inside AppServices create the following Values

  • mongodb-secret as a secret
    • The value is the secret of your MongoDB Project apiKey created previously
  • slack-bot-oauth-token as a secret
    • The value is the oauth bot token from your slack workspace
  • mongodb-slack-activityfeed as a value with custom content
    • The value can be found in the file values/mongodb-slack-activityfeed.json inside this repo
  • slack-bot-oauth-token as a value with link to secret
    • The value will be the secret we created previously with name slack-bot-oauth-token
  • mongodb-secret as a value with link to secret
    • The value will be the secret we created previously with name mongodb-secret

Create the function

This function should have Authentication with System ID and it should be set as Private

Create a new function with the code inside syncActivityFeed.js in this repo This script reads from all the previously created values. The only value that might need to be changed is the frequency inside the variable howManyMinutesAgoToCheck (By default is 5 mins).

This value should be aligned with the scheduled trigger periodicity that we will create later (5 mins for both for example), in order to avoid missing events

Create the trigger

Following the instructions here create a scheduled trigger that calls the function we just created on a 5 mins scheduler (Feel free to change this value just keep in mind the notes from before)