Maven plugin that can generate a changelog, or releasenotes, from git repository
- 0
Jira server base url is hardcoded to v2
#63 opened by iosifbel - 5
ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText with jdk21 and spring boot 3.2.x
#62 opened by ilopezv - 1
- 5
- 1
maven-release-plugin fails using v1.100.3+
#60 opened by Schlumpf9 - 2
- 0
- 3
- 3
Error when trying to add any javascriptHelper
#57 opened by arkadioz - 8
- 1
updatePomWithNextSemanticVersionSuffixSnapshot config key does not validate under Maven + IDEA
#48 opened by unixunion - 1
How to skip semantic-version goal
#53 opened by arkadioz - 1
Question: Placeholders/Helpers for Jira
#54 opened by arkadioz - 1
- 1
Problem with GitLab CI/CD
#47 opened by arboeh - 2
build issue
#42 opened by wanghu001 - 1
Add support for multi-module projects
#44 opened by ilopezv - 0
- 3
Empty changelog on a bitbucket repository
#45 opened by dagutten - 1
- 1
Last GitLab commits are missing
#40 opened by arboeh - 2
#41 opened by wanghu001 - 5
- 0
- 6
Different windows and linux in {{issues}}
#32 opened by Acolasz - 2
- 2
adding commitCount to commits context
#30 opened by edeso - 9
retrieving git log as plain text
#28 opened by edeso - 2
- 4
- 4
Question: Only Merge Commits should be logged
#20 opened by vhochstein - 2
- 2
Goal not marked as Thread-safe
#21 opened by vhochstein - 6
maven release with tbhis plugin
#14 opened by eimarfandino - 1
- 4
Add a skip configration option
#12 opened by zosrothko - 2
has this been linked with jira ?
#11 opened by paul58914080 - 2
- 1
- 0
GitHub OAuth2 Token support
#6 opened by tomasbjerre - 3
One line git commit messege
#5 opened by souzen - 4
Enhance documentation for changelog.json file
#3 opened by M3lkior - 0
The tags are out of order
#4 opened by tomasbjerre - 0
- 0
Update to lates lib version
#1 opened by tomasbjerre