Springer Books Scraper

This script simply goes through all the books in this spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HzdumNltTj2SHmCv3SRdoub8SvpIEn75fa4Q23x0keU/htmlview?urp=gmail_link and downloads them into different folders (that it previously created) according to each book's topic. The base directory where the books are downloaded is by default the one where this script is run in. To change it, change the constant BASE_DIR to whatever you like, such as BASE_DIR = /home/books/springer_books

Running the script

python ./springer_book_scraper.py

without arguments, the script download all PDFs of all topics

Show help

python ./springer_book_scraper.py -h
usage: springer_book_scraper.py [-h] [--topics TOPICS [TOPICS ...]]

Download all links from the Google Spreadsheet URL

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --topics TOPICS [TOPICS ...]
                        List of topics to download
  --list-topics         Show all available topics

Filter by topics

This example only downloads of the specified topics:

python ./springer_book_scraper.py --topics "Biomedical and Life Sciences" "Medicine" "Computer Science" "Economics and Finance"

show available topics

python ./springer_book_scraper.py --list-topics
"Behavioral Science"
"Behavioral Science and Psychology"
"Biomedical and Life Sciences"
"Business and Economics"
"Business and Management"
"Chemistry and Materials Science"
"Computer Science"
"Earth and Environmental Science"
"Economics and Finance"
"Humanities, Social Sciences and Law"
"Intelligent Technologies and Robotics"
"Law and Criminology"
"Literature, Cultural and Media Studies"
"Mathematics and Statistics"
"Physics and Astronomy"
"Religion and Philosophy"
"Social Sciences"