Benchmarking of TML, Soufflé and XSB.


  1. install TML, Soufflé and XSB (executables must be in $PATH dirs) or install docker
  2. run ./ or run ./

Default time limit for a test round is 5 minutes. Test tries to estimate time and mem consumption for the next round and finishes when the estimate is over the limit. Both and accept another limit time in seconds as a parameter: ./ 60

You can change the list and order of the tests by using $TESTS environment variable: TESTS="souffle xsb tml" ./

By default tests use inner TC algorithm. You can alternatively choose left or right TC algorithm by using $ALT environment with value: .left or .right. Example: ALT=".left" ./

Available tests are:

  • tml
  • tml.js - node.js implementation
  • xsb
  • souffle - interpreted
  • souffle_compiled_prog - compiled TC program, data on input
  • souffle_compiled - compiled TC program with data, no input

Docker tests are slightly slower and Soufflé the most.