
A bridge between Amazon Alexa and Broadlink IFTTT

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A bridge between Amazon Alexa and Broadlink IFTTT


  1. Clone the repository
  2. npm install

Configure your commands

  1. Create the configuration file from the included example
$ cp ./src/config/commands.json-example ./src/config/commands.json
  1. Determine the MAC address of your Broadlink devices

You need to figure out the MAC address of your Broadlink device, for that you can check the access logs in your local network.

You will see something like the following:

IP=   mac=34:EA:34:43:2F:23   nombre=RMPROPLUS-43-2f-23

Update ./src/config/device.json with the corresponding MAC address value.

  1. Edit ./src/config/commands.json base on your needs

To find a command, first of all run the commands learn server:

$ node ./src/learn-commands-server.js

Now, use the command-learn-cli script to trigger each of the individual command learn operations

$ node ./src/learn-command-cli.js my_command_name mac_address

The Broadlink device will initiate learning mode, there is a timeout of 20 seconds

Point your remmote command and send the button

Once the device process the data will generate the corresponding JSON for the new command

Copy the JSON from the previous point and add it to ./src/config/commands.json as a new entry in the array.

Launch the server

$ node ./src/index.js

It will expose the commands under https://localhost:PORT/command/command_name

To test your commmands you can use the provided command line utility:

$ node ./src/command-cli.js my_command_name


boradlinkkrm-ifttt https://github.com/jor3l/broadlinkrm-ifttt