
Exam assignment course PGR202 Android Programming (1/2)

Primary LanguageKotlin

Game of tic tac thrones

Exam assignment course PGR202 Android Programming (1/2)

This is one of two apps made for the course PGR202 Android Programming at Kristiania University College.


Create your own version of the game Tic Tac Toe.

Requirements and/or goals

  • Application has Fragment architecture
  • Application uses local storage
  • Application has logic to play single player against a computer
  • Application should follow Android's design principles, architecture and coding standards
  • Application should be described in a separate text report, where strengths and weaknesses are explained as well as explanations of the included code files and your own reasoning behind choices made
  • Application's architecture and flow should be modelled
  • Screenshot of all screens in the applications needs to be included in the report

Extra credit

  • Significantly emphasized aesthetics and design of the application
  • Implement the computer AI so that the teacher can't beat it within 10 games


This was my first ever Android app and also my first time programming in Kotlin.

The assignment was handed out very early in the semester, and I think it shows in the final result that the application was the first most of us ever made while progressing through the course. I decided to make the app into a "game of thrones" theme, where the player can pick which House (family) to fight for instead of crosses and circles. It uses SQLite/Room for local storage, and I implemented the computer player with a minimax-algorithm to make it unbeatable for the extra credit.

All fonts, graphics, etc. are found randomly online for the purpose of this school assignemtn and I do not intend any copyright infringement what so ever with any usage in this application.


Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot