
Implementation of optimization model for autonomous vehicles using mosel (Express) and some small scripts in Python to generate data.

Primary LanguagePython

Infrastructure Optimization for Autonomous Vehicles

1 File structure

The file structure of this project can be visualized in the following tree:

│   README.md
│   README.pdf
│   report.pdf    
│   requirements.txt
│   │   AutonomaxData.txt
│   │   autonomax.mos
│   │	out.txt
│   |	plot.py
│   |	run_plot.py
|   |	run_subset_script.py
|   |	subset_script.py
|   |	subsets.txt
    │   cycle3.txt
    │   cycle4scen2.txt
    │	...

The folder /Mosel contains everything that is related to the implementation of the mathematical model, which includes the Mosel implementation, supplementary python scripts, data files, output files etc. The folder /Runs contains the history of saved output files (same format as out.txt) from runs with different parameter settings which includes all of the information that is relevant to the solution for the given run. If the filename contains "no" (not optimal) it is not solved to optimality, and if scen[number] is not specified in the filename then Scenario=1.

2 How to run the model locally

  1. Open the autonomax.mos file in Xpress Workbench (or any other IVE/IDE that let's you run mosel code).

  2. Before you run the model in Xpress, you need to make sure that you have the latest version of the programming language Python installed on your computer.

  3. The python scripts that will be directly called from autonomax.mos in Xpress have some dependencies that you need to install. These requirements can be found in the file requirements.txt. Use your favorite package manager/installer to install the requirements, we recommend using pip. To install the requirements, run the following command in the root folder of the project (where requirements.txt is located):

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Now you should be all set. Run the model by clicking Run. Relevant information about the solution will be printed to the console, as well as written to /Mosel/out.txt. The python script plot.py will use this output file to display a graphical network plot of the solution.

2.1 If you get an error and cannot run the model properly

Do not worry! The Xpress-package python3 does not work for all computers and operating systems. Here we will explain how to work around this.


  1. Remove the lines pyrun("run_subset_script.py"); and pyrun("run_plot.py"); in autonomax.mos by either making them comments (!) or simply deleting them.
  2. Run subset_script.py in the /Mosel folder using your favorite Python IDE or terminal command to generate the subsets used for the subtour elimination constraints to subsets.txt. Make sure all parameters in the Mosel parameter environment is set to the values you want to use before you run the script.
  3. Run the Mosel model in Xpress.
  4. Optional: Once the model is finished run plot.py in the /Moselfolder using your favorite Python IDE or terminal command. This is not necessary, as it will only plot the solution and does not affect the results.


In autonomax.mos, the python script run_subsets_script.py is called using the pyrun() command:

enter image description here

This short script will in turn run a command on your computer in order to properly run subset_script.py (which generates the subsets and write them to /Mosel/subsets.txt):

enter image description here

Similarly, after Xpress is finished solving the problem, the python script run_plot.py is run using pyrun() in order to properly run plot.py (which plots the solution graphically):

enter image description here

Your operating system has either problems with the run-scripts that call the desired scripts using terminal commands, or there is a problem with the python3 Xpress-package.