This Puppet module contains configurations for strongswan.
strongSwan can be installed simply by:
include strongswan
conn %default configurations can be set as follows, please note that while this is a working example, it should be adjusted according to your requirements:
strongswan::conn { '%default':
options => {
"ike" => "aes128gcm128-prfsha256-ecp256!",
"esp" => "aes128gcm128-ecp256!",
"keyexchange" => "ikev2",
"ikelifetime" => "60m",
"lifetime" => "20m",
"margintime" => "3m",
"closeaction" => "restart",
"dpdaction" => "restart",
"compress" => "no",
Parameters for an IPsec peer with pregenerated certificate - replace the certificate with your own:
strongswan::conn { 'peer':
options => {
"left" => "",
"leftcert" => 'peerCert.der',
"leftfirewall" => 'no',
"leftid" => '"C=UK, CN=Peer 1"',
"leftsubnet" => "",
"right" => '',
"rightauth" => 'pubkey',
"rightid" => '"C=UK, CN=Peer 2"',
"rightsubnet" => '',
"auto" => "start",
strongswan::secrets { 'peer':
options => {
'ECDSA' => 'peerKey.der',
Parameters for an IPsec peer with pre-shared key - replace the key string with your own:
strongswan::conn { 'peer':
options => {
"left" => "",
"leftfirewall" => 'no',
"leftid" => '"C=UK, CN=Peer 1"',
"leftsubnet" => "",
"right" => '',
"rightid" => '"C=UK, CN=Peer 2"',
"rightsubnet" => '',
"authby" => 'psk',
"auto" => "start",
strongswan::secrets { 'peer':
leftid => '"C=UK, CN=Peer 1"',
rightid => '"C=UK, CN=Peer 2"',
auth => 'PSK',
'key' => 'a string of your choice',
Parameters for an IPsec gateway server:
strongswan::conn { 'gateway':
options => {
"left" => '%any',
"leftcert" => 'gwCert.der',
"leftfirewall" => "yes",
"leftid" => '"C=UK, CN=GW"',
"leftsubnet" => '',
"right" => '%any',
"rightauth" => "pubkey",
"rightsourceip" => '',
"auto" => 'add',
strongswan::secrets { 'peer':
options => {
'ECDSA' => 'gwKey.der',
Gateway charon configuration:
class { 'strongswan::charon':
dns1 => '',
initiator_only => 'no',
integrity_test => 'yes',
group => 'nogroup',
user => 'strongswan',
retransmit_base => '1.1',
retransmit_tries => '30',
retransmit_timeout => '3.0',
retry_initiate_interval => '1.0',
keep_alive => '10s',
Note: This module is solely intended to handle the strongswan components of the system. Other parts of the infrastructure, such as iptables and sysctl, are to be managed by their respective modules. The following will enable packet forwarding on the gateway node, for instance:
sysctl { 'net.ipv4.ip_forward': value => '1' }
Parameters for an IPsec roadwarrior connection:
strongswan::conn { 'roadwarrior':
options => {
"keyingtries" => "%forever",
"left" => '%any',
"leftcert" => 'rwCert.der',
"leftid" => '"C=UK, CN=rw"',
"right" => '',
"rightid" => '"C=UK, CN=GW"',
"rightsubnet" => '',
"auto" => 'start',
strongswan::secrets { 'roadwarrior':
options => {
'ECDSA' => 'rwKey.der',
charon daemon configuration can also be adjusted, for example, for a client configuration:
class { 'strongswan::charon':
initiator_only => "yes",
integrity_test => "yes",
crypto_test_on_add => "yes",
crypto_test_on_create => "yes",
crypto_test_required => "yes",
The IPsec 'config setup' section can be configured as follows:
class { 'strongswan::setup':
options => {
'strictcrlpolicy' => 'yes',
'charondebug' => '"ike 2, knl 3, cfg 0"'
See LICENSE file.