Docker WordPress

The Docker local development environment for WordPress.
It allows to serve your projects under project-name.localhost domain.

First boot guild

1. Create a reverse proxy network.

docker network create --driver bridge reverse-proxy

2. Run a reverse proxy service.

docker run -d --name nginx-proxy --net reverse-proxy -p 80:80 --restart unless-stopped -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro jwilder/nginx-proxy

To increase maximum upload size:

docker exec -it nginx-proxy /bin/bash
cd /etc/nginx/conf.d/
echo "client_max_body_size 0;" > uploadsize.conf

3. Configure the project.

Open do docker-compose.yml file, search and replace all example occurrences in the file to the project name of your choice. Save changes and run docker-compose up in the terminal.

If you would like to serve your websites with different suffix then .localhost you can use dnsmasq. Here is a guide how to do this.