
Spring Boot and Angular app as my CS B. Eng. diploma full-stack-app project.

MIT LicenseMIT


This repository describes my Computer Science B. Eng. diploma project.

Project description

This app was a main topic of my diploma. I make an url-shorter web app with a lot of integrations (social media sharing buttons, REST API integration, payments integrations and many more). As you can see the app frontend and some part of backend are in Polish but it was required to make the app as main diploma project.

Below description of tech stack of the project:


  • Spring Boot
  • Hibernate
  • Docker
  • Maven
  • JUnit
  • Swagger
  • Lombock


  • Angular
  • npm
  • Angular Material
  • Bootstrap
  • ApexChartsJS


  • SQL Server
  • H2 database (for tests purpose)

Whole project (backend, frontend, database) was dockerized to make the project running within separate env and with just few commands.


Walk throught the repositories:

to get more info about project structure and installation details.

Project look and feel

Below some screenshots from application:

Main page For business page Create account page Creating link in user panel Features for every link Generated QR code for link Share link panel Manage users and rights page Account settings page Create invoice form Responsive sidebar Swagger REST API docs


Contribution is disabled and the project will not be developed in future.
