is a small tool to search film details right from the command line.
It use a polish movie online website Filmweb and Google
Designed for people who don't want to open web browser and search for film description.
You can go to this page and check the app without need to install on your computer. After that click "Play" button enclosed in a green frame on the picture and wait about a minute.
- BeautifulSoup - Python web scrapping library
- Requests - library for making HTTP requests
- pytest - for tests purposes
- pytest-cov - for test coverage checking
$ python film_details_searcher
After that you will be prompt for film title
$ python film_details_searcher <put_here_film_title>
After that application will start searching
given movie title without prompting for title
- Make sure you're using Python 3.6 or higher.
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
Project contains changelog. Visit it if you want to check more details.
- Clone repo and create a new branch:
$ git checkout -b name_for_new_branch
. - Make changes and add required tests
- Make sure that all tests pass:
pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=film_details_searcher/film_details_searcher
- Submit Pull Request with comprehensive description of changes
- I'm using scrapping only for learning purposes and project demo. You sould not
do it in your production code.
This is free, open-source software. No need to pay for it or donate.