
Mobile WiMAX (IEEE802.16) simulator based on OMNeT++

Primary LanguageC++

  NUMBAT - Mobile WiMax/IPv6 extenstions for OMNeT++

 Project homepage: http://klub.com.pl/numbat

 GIT repository: https://github.com/tomaszmrugalski/numbat

 Original author: Tomasz Mrugalski <thomson(at)klub(dot)com(dot)pl>
                  (inactive since 2010-04)

 Contributors: Maciej Jureko
               Andrzej Bojarski
               Adam Jastrzebski

 Migration to OMNeT++ 4.0: Mikko Majanen, VTT, Finland

 Integration with xMIPv6, Fast Handovers: Adam Jastrzebski

 This code uses OMNeT++ 4.0 as a base.

 This code uses xMIPv6 (https://github.com/zarrar/xMIPv6).

 To generate documentation, use doxygen: doxygen doxygen.cfg

 Published under GNU GPL v2 (or later) licence.

 By commiting any source code to this repository, you allow its
 maintainers or other users to redistribute it under GPL v2 or
 later (when newer license version will becomes available and
 someone decides to move to that newer version).