
Convert quill (Delta) fromat to and from markdown

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Markdown Quill

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😻 Contributions are always welcomed ❤️

Provides converters to convert from markdown to quill (Delta) format and vice versa.



import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart' as md;
import 'package:markdown_quill/markdown_quill.dart';

// Configure the markdown parser
final mdDocument = md.Document(encodeHtml: false);

final mdToDelta = MarkdownToDelta(markdownDocument: mdDocument);

final deltaToMd = DeltaToMarkdown();

const markdown = '''
# Test
> Testing

This is an `inline code`

and this is 
code block

final delta = mdToDelta.convert(markdown);

final markdownAgain = deltaToMd.convert(delta);


import 'package:flutter_quill/flutter_quill.dart';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart' as md;
import 'package:markdown_quill/markdown_quill.dart';

// Configure the markdown parser
final mdDocument = md.Document(
  encodeHtml: false,
  extensionSet: md.ExtensionSet.gitHubFlavored,

  // you can add custom syntax.
  blockSyntaxes: [const EmbeddableTableSyntax()],

final mdToDelta = MarkdownToDelta(
  markdownDocument: mdDocument,

  // you can add custom attributes based on tags
  customElementToBlockAttribute: {
    'h4': (element) => [HeaderAttribute(level: 4)],
  // custom embed
  customElementToEmbeddable: {
    EmbeddableTable.tableType: EmbeddableTable.fromMdSyntax,

final deltaToMd = DeltaToMarkdown(
    customEmbedHandlers: {
      EmbeddableTable.tableType: EmbeddableTable.toMdSyntax,

const markdown = '''
Hi, this is a test of markdown_quill.

| Syntax      | Description | Test Text     |
| :---        |    :----:   |          ---: |
| Header      | Title       | Here's this   |
| Paragraph   | Text        | And more      |

# H1
# H2
# H3
# H4

final delta = mdToDelta.convert(markdown);

final markdownAgain = deltaToMd.convert(delta);



Currently this convertor doesn't support image alts, only image src will be retained

Block attributes exclusivity

flutter_quill block attributes have restrictions on how they can be combined.

These block attributes are exclusive and cannot be combined:

  • Header
  • List
  • Code Block
  • Block Quote

if the input markdown is:

> # Foo
> bar
> baz

it will be treated as

> Foo
> bar
> baz


  • Improve the output of DeltaToMarkdown