
Primary LanguageJava

Programming Coursework

Part II: Bank Account Management

Project Overview

This is the hand-in report for Part II of the Programming in Java coursework for Ada College. Source code can be found in Appendix A.

Sample Output

Exercise 1

Console output:

> 450.0
> 100.0
> 525.0
> 20230715	Donald Trump	$525.00
> 31558040	Bill Gates	$100.00
> 44003050	Tom Cruise	$600.00

Exercise 2

Code changed:

// ManageAccount.java
private static double getBankTotal(Account a, Account b, Account c) {
  return a.getBalance() + b.getBalance() + c.getBalance();

System.out.println(getBankTotal(one, two, three));

Console output:

> 1225.0

Exercise 3

Code changed:

// Account.java
public void withdraw(double x, double fee) {
  if (x + fee > balance) {
    System.out.println("There are insufficient funds in your account.");
  } else {
    balance = balance - x - fee;

Console output:

> There are insufficient funds in your account.

Exercise 4

Code changed:

// Account.java
public void withdraw(double x) {
  withdraw(x, 0);

Exercise 5

Code changed:

// ManageAccount.java
private static double getTaxes(Account account) {
  double taxes = account.getBalance() * 0.15;
  return taxes;

double totalTaxes = getTaxes(one) + getTaxes(two) + getTaxes(three);

Exercise 6

Code changed:

// Account.java
public Account(String x, int y) {
  this(x, y, 0);

// ManageAccount.java
Account inland = new Account("Inland Revenue", 10000000);

Exercise 7

Code changed:

// ManageAccount.java

Exercise 8

Code changed:

// Account.java
public void addInterest(double rate) {
  balance += (balance * rate);

// ManageAccount.java

Exercise 9

Code changed:

// Account.java
Date dateCreated;

public Account(String x, int y, double z) {
  name = x;
  acctNumber = y;
  balance = z;
  dateCreated = new Date();

Exercise 10

Code changed:

// Account.java
double overdraftLimit;

public void withdraw(double x, double fee) {
  if (x + fee > balance + overdraftLimit) {
    System.out.println("There are insufficient funds in your account.");
  } else {
    balance = balance - x - fee;

public void setOverdraftLimit(double overdraftLimit) {
  this.overdraftLimit = overdraftLimit;

Appendix A

1.1 Account.java

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class Account {
  int acctNumber;
  double balance;
  String name;
  Date dateCreated;
  double overdraftLimit;

  //  Sets up the account by defining its owner's name, account
  //   number, and initial balance.
  public Account(String x, int y, double z) {
    name = x;
    acctNumber = y;
    balance = z;
    dateCreated = new Date();

  public Account(String x, int y) {
    this(x, y, 0);

  //  Deposits the specified amount x into the account.
  public void deposit(double x) {
    balance = balance + x;

  //  Withdraws the specified amount from the account and applies
  //  the fee.
  public void withdraw(double x, double fee) {
    if (x + fee > balance + overdraftLimit) {
      System.out.println("There are insufficient funds in your account.");
    } else {
      balance = balance - x - fee;

  public void withdraw(double x) {
    withdraw(x, 0);

  //  Returns the current balance of the account.
  public double getBalance() {
    return balance;

  //  Adds the interest to the balance
  public void addInterest(double rate) {
    balance += (balance * rate);

  //  Sets an overdraft limit
  public void setOverdraftLimit(double overdraftLimit) {
    this.overdraftLimit = overdraftLimit;

  //  Returns a one-line description of the account as a string.
  public String toString() {
    NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();
    return (acctNumber + "\t" + name + "\t" + fmt.format(balance));

1.2 ManageAccount.java

public class ManageAccount {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Account one = new Account("Donald Trump", 20230715, 400);
    Account two = new Account("Bill Gates", 31558040, 500);
    Account three = new Account("Tom Cruise", 44003050, 600);
    Account inland = new Account("Inland Revenue", 10000000);


    two.withdraw(400, 0);



    System.out.println(getBankTotal(one, two, three));

    inland.deposit(getTaxes(one) + getTaxes(two) + getTaxes(three));


  private static double getBankTotal(Account a, Account b, Account c) {
    return a.getBalance() + b.getBalance() + c.getBalance();

  private static double getTaxes(Account account) {
    double taxes = account.getBalance() * 0.15;
    return taxes;