
NeoVim plugin for Joplin note-taking app

Primary LanguageTypeScript


NeoVim plugin for Joplin note-taking app

Note: this plugin is under construction


# clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:tomato3713/dps-joplin.git

## add the following lines to your vimrc or init.vim
set runtimepath^=/path_to/dps-joplin
let g:joplin_token = "${authorization token}"
let g:joplin_opener = "vsplit"



Open the notes list in the QuickFix window. Press Enter to open the note at the current cursor line. For saving changes, you use :w command.


Close the quickfix window and delete quickfix list.


Open the notebook and notes tree in the buffer window. Press Enter to open the note at the current cursor line. Press L or <Right> to expand notebook at the current cursor line. Press H or <Left> to collapse notebook at the current cursor line.

under construction commands!


partially implemented. a new item is created in the notebook opened in the Joplin application.


partially implemented. a new item is created in the notebook opened in the Joplin application.

:JoplinSearch <word>

not implemented.


" debug on
let g:joplin_debug = true

" item opener, sorry this option is not work.
let g:joplin_opener = "vsplit"