sveltekit-adapter-wordpress-shortcode (SKAWPSC)

Adapter for SvelteKit which turns your app into a wordpress shortcode.


Install with npm i -D sveltekit-adapter-wordpress-shortcode, setup the adapter in svelte.config.js, add index.php to the project root, and mark the parts of your template you want to include in the shortcode.

Example svelte.config.js

Note: It's likely you will need to set custom base paths for Wordpress.

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from "sveltekit-adapter-wordpress-shortcode"

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
	kit: {
		// all the default options
		adapter: adapter({
			pages: "build",
			assets: "build",
			fallback: null,
			indexPath: "index.php",
			shadow: false,
			shortcode: "svelte-kit-shortcode",
			prefix: "skawpsc_svelte_kit_shortcode",
			renderHead: head =>
					.map(element => element.outerHTML)
			renderBody: body => body.innerHTML

// handle wordpress url structure
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
	const base = "/wp-content/plugins/my-shortcode-plugin"
	config.kit.paths = {
		assets: "" + base

export default config

Example index.php

Note: You can choose the path by setting indexPath in the adapter config.

<!-- index.php -->
 * Plugin Name: My Shortcode

include plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'svelte_kit_shortcode.php';

Passing attributes and content

Both are inserted right before the svelte kit body.

[my-shortcode attribute-a attribute-b attribute-c]
<a href="/">Home</a>


<script id="my-shortcode-attributes" type="application/json">
	["attribute-a", "attribute-b", "attribute-c"]
<template id="my-shortcode-content">
	<a href="/">Home</a>
<!-- svelte kit body stuff -->

Style Isolation

(1) Shadow dom

Setting the shadow option to true puts the head, body, and shortcode data under one shadow dom.

or (2) Postcss

The following configuration of postcss plugins should provide enough isolation from Wordpress styles.

Note that postcss-autoreset is using the fork at tomatrow/postcss-autoreset.

const autoprefixer = require("autoprefixer")
const cssnano = require("cssnano")
const safeImportant = require("postcss-safe-important")
const prefixer = require("postcss-prefix-selector")
const initial = require("postcss-initial")
const autoReset = require("postcss-autoreset")

const mode = process.env.NODE_ENV
const dev = mode === "development"

const config = {
	plugins: [
		autoReset({ reset: "revert" }),
			prefix: "#svelte",
			transform(prefix, selector, prefixedSelector) {
				return ["html", "body"].includes(selector) ? `${selector} ${prefix}` : prefixedSelector
		!dev &&
				preset: "default"

module.exports = config
