
Backend send for simpl.press

Primary LanguageJava

Simpl Service

Provides a client API and other resources to support simpl.press frontend

From the root directory of this codebase:

  1. Run mvn clean compile to compile the application.
  2. Run mvn exec:java to start the server. The server will use the config/local.yml configuration file.
  3. Visit URL http://localhost:9000 in your browser for the service homepage.


  1. Run mvn clean install to build your application.
  2. Start application with java -jar target/checkout-service-X-Y.jar server config/local.yml.
  3. Visit URL http://localhost:9000 in your browser for the service homepage.

Within your IDE:

  1. See Build section below for notes on required annotation processing when running the service within an IDE.
  2. Run the service as a regular Java application: the main class is SimplPressServiceApplication. Provide the arguments server config/local.yml (or specify another configuration file).

The port the service runs on is configured within the configuration file passed to the application.

Intellij IDEA

To enable annotation processing (correct for version 15):

  1. Open preferences dialog.
  2. Navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment section.
  3. Navigate to Compiler subsection.
  4. Navigate to Annotation Processors subsection.
  5. Tick Enable annotation processing.
  6. Make sure Obtain processors from classpath is selected.

Optional Dagger support:

  1. Plugin: https://github.com/square/dagger-intellij-plugin