My little Roam scripts

Table Of Contents Generator (TOC)

  • script generates simple TOC in a form of list of references to H1, H2 and H3 headings which are on the first level on a page
  • clicking on a TOC button clears the old TOC list (children of the block) and re-generates new list
  • works only with first level headings on the first level in the page (not indented) at this time


  • create a Clojure Code block in the Roam
  • copy the code from the Roam-TOC-mini.clj
  • get block id of the code block (right-click the bullet, Copy Block Ref) – you get ((something)) into clipboard
  • put {{roam/render: ((something))}} on a page which you want to generate TOC of

Roam Block Delete ("Self-destruct" :)

  • shows a [X] button in a Roam block – pressing the "X" leads to deleting the block itself and all its children
  • very useful for mobile Roam where you cannot delete block easily
  • TIP: use a simple text shortcut to auto-paste the {{roam/render: ((blockid))}}) to create the button


  • create a Clojure Code block in the Roam
  • copy the code from the selfdestruct.clj
  • get block id of the code block (right-click the bullet, Copy Block Ref) – you get ((something)) into clipboard
  • put {{roam/render: ((something))}} at the end of the block you want to delete
