- 0
#27 opened by mergullador - 0
NullReferenceException when using JsonSetAsync with CommandFlags.FireAndForget
#26 opened by jordankasper11 - 1
Is it possible to add the extension methods to the redis transaction interface (ITransaction)
#25 opened by rajasekarshanmugam - 5
ERR Search path error at offset 2: an identifier can only begin with a letter, a dollar sign or an underscore - use bracket notation for anything
#22 opened by csharpnewbie3 - 2
- 5
- 1
Getting issue in the length property of JSONPATH
#21 opened by RiteshKo - 2
- 8
Support Redis Transactions
#16 opened by mseada94 - 3
Support json.toggle and json.clear commands
#13 opened by oshadmi - 1
`JSON.STRAPPEND` isn't implemented.
#1 opened by tombatron - 6
Support Full Framework net461 and net472
#11 opened by benguenter - 3
JsonGetAsync not working
#10 opened by samgithub - 6
Remove escape characters from JSON.GET
#6 opened by aboimpinto - 3
redisjson indexing
#7 opened by jphaugla - 0
JSON.GET Options
#4 opened by tombatron - 1
What is the License?
#3 opened by gkorland