Welcome to my Stable Diffusion GitHub Page Demo!

This page is a demonstration of how to build and host a stable diffusion project that can run generative models in real time via a github page.

This was developed in google colab using a stable diffusion model from huggingface and the user interface library gradio. After being tested and styled it was uploaded to a huggingface space running a GPU for $0.6 / hour and then embedded as a dynamic html element on this static github page.

Gradio is an amazing tool for quickly making user interfaces from python notebooks but it's fairly difficult to override it's default styling so this also demonstrates some basic css resetting.

The actual demo is a very basic use of stable diffusion to produce children's drawings from user input. It's kind of intended for my 2yo to play around with. It costs a little money to run this GPU so don't go too nuts! 🙏✨