git clone https://github.com/tombo-gokuraku/dotfiles
cd dotfiles
install.sh を実行する。
link.sh を実行する。
prefix + g
- prompts for session name and switches to it. Performs 'kind-of' name completion.
Faster than the built-inprefix + s
prompt for long session lists.prefix + C
(shift + c) - prompt for creating a new session by name.prefix + X
(shift + x) - kill current session without detaching tmux.prefix + S
(shift + s) - switches to the last session.
The same as built-inprefix + L
that everyone seems to override with some other binding.prefix + @
- promote current pane into a new session.
Analogous to howprefix + !
breaks current pane to a new window.prefix + t<secondary-key>
- join currently marked pane (prefix + m
) to current session/window, and switch to it- secondary-keys
: join horizontallyv
: join verticallyf
: join full screen
- secondary-keys
Toggle (start/stop) logging in the current pane.
- Key binding:
prefix + shift + p
- File name format:
- File path:
(user home dir)- Example file:
- Example file:
Save visible text, in the current pane. Equivalent of a "textual screenshot".
- Key binding:
prefix + alt + p
- File name format:
- File path:
(user home dir)- Example file:
- Example file:
Save complete pane history to a file. Convenient if you retroactively remember you need to log/save all the work.
- Key binding:
prefix + alt + shift + p
- File name format:
- File path:
(user home dir)- Example file:
- Example file:
NOTE: this functionality depends on the value of history-limit
- the number
of lines Tmux keeps in the scrollback buffer. Only what Tmux kept will also be saved,
to a file.
Use set -g history-limit 50000
in .tmux.conf, with modern computers
it is ok to set this option to a high number.
Key binding: prefix + alt + c
This is just a convenience key binding.
Press ( prefix + F ) to enter [fingers] mode, it will highlight relevant stuff in the current pane along with letter hints. By pressing those letters, the highlighted match will be copied to the clipboard.
- a-z: copies selected match to the clipboard
- CTRL + a-z: copies selected match to the clipboard and triggers @fingers-ctrl-action. By default it triggers
action, which is useful for opening links in the browser for example. - SHIFT + a-z: copies selected match to the clipboard and triggers @fingers-shift-action. By default it triggers
action, which automatically pastes selected matches. - ALT + a-z: copies selected match to the clipboard and triggers @fingers-alt-action. There is no default, configurable by the user.
- TAB: toggle multi mode. First press enters multi mode, which allows to select multiple matches. Second press will exit with the selected matches copied to the clipboard.
- SPACE: toggle compact hints ( see @fingers-compact-hints ).
- CTRL + c: exit [fingers] mode
- ESC: exit help or [fingers] mode
- ?: show help.
prefix + /
- regex search (strings work too)
Example search entries:
- searches for stringfoo
- regex search for numbers
Grep is used for searching.
Searches are case insensitive.
prefix + ctrl-f
- simple file searchprefix + ctrl-g
- jumping over git status files (best used aftergit status
command)prefix + alt-h
- jumping over SHA-1/SHA-256 hashes (best used aftergit log
command)prefix + ctrl-u
- url search (http, ftp and Git urls)prefix + ctrl-d
- number search (mnemonic d, as digit)prefix + alt-i
- ip address search
These start "copycat mode" and jump to first match.
These are enabled when you search with copycat:
- jumps to the next matchN
- jumps to the previous match
To copy a highlighted match:
- if you're using Tmuxvi
- if you're using Tmuxemacs
Copying a highlighted match will take you "out" of copycat mode. Paste with
prefix + ]
(this is Tmux default paste).
- 階層整理
- リンクする dotfiles を settings ディレクトリ内に格納
- install 用のスクリプトと install するパッケージのリストのテキストを scripts ディレクトリ内に格納
- link.sh を settings ディレクトリ内の dotfiles に向ける
- settings ファイル内のファイルを探索して、自動的にリンクする link.sh を書く
- log を自動で作成するようにする
- error が発生した場所だけハイライトして表示する
最新版の Node.js をインストールするスクリプト(nvm を使うことにした)- minimum install(必要最低限のアプリ) と full install(ほしい物全部載せ)を作る