
Grabs and parses match results from @FRCFMS. Stores them locally in mongodb.

Primary LanguagePython

FRCFMS Twitter Parsing

This tool will read the @FRCFMS twitter feed, parse the match results, and store them locally.

Requirments: (Follow all setup instructions for these)
Python 2.6+
python-twitter (http://code.google.com/p/python-twitter/)
mongodb (http://www.mongodb.org/)

How to run:
Run 'mongod'
Run 'python grabber.py'

To use OPR Calculator:
python opr.py EVENT_CODE YEAR

For example
"python opr.py SJ 2012" will find OPRs for 2012 silicon valley
"python opr.py all 2012" will find worldwide OPRs for 2012