21 Days of DSA
I have successfully completed the 21 Days of DSA challenge.
Language: Java References:
Below are the topics covered in both.
Data Structures
Day | Topic(s) |
Day - 1 | Linked List |
Day - 2 | Iterator Linked List Doubly Linked List |
Day - 3 | Circular Linked List Stack Using Arrays Queue Using Arrays |
Day - 4 | Hashing |
Day - 5 | Hash Implementation |
Day - 6 | Introduction to Trees and Heaps Heaps |
Day - 7 | Trees |
Day - 8 | AVL Tree |
Day - 9 | Red Black Tree |
Day | Topic(s) |
Day - 10 | Introduction to Sorting Bubble Sort Selection Sort Insertion Sort Shell Sort |
Day - 11 | Merge Sort Quick Sort Radix Sort |
Day - 12 | Peek Finder Problem Heap Sort BST Sort AVL Sort |
Day - 13 | Breath First Search Depth First Search |
Day - 14 | Introduction to Shortest Path Algorithms Dijkstra's Bellman Ford Floyd Warshall |
Day - 15 | Fibonacci Series Huffman Coding |
Day - 16 | Sum of Subsets Largest Common SubSequence |
Day - 17 | Starssen's Matrix Multiplication Matrix Chain Multiplication |
Day - 18 | Fractional Knapsack 0/1 KnapSack |
Day - 19 | Prim's MST Kruskal's MST |
Day - 20 | Traveling Salesman Problem N Queen Problem |
Day - 21 | Graph Coloring Problem Hamiltonian Cycle |
Note: If you find any problem while running the code or you want an implementation of a data structure/ algorithm kindly open a Issue for the same. Unnecessary Issues will be closed automatically.