
End User Monitoring System

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#EUMS Coverage Status

Supply End User Monitoring System

Local Environment Setup

  • Install and Setup PostgreSQL

    • For Mac users, run the following:
      • brew install postgres - Install Postgres using homebrew
      • postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres - Start the postgres server
    • createuser -s -r postgres - Create the postgres user
    • createdb -O postgres eums - Create the eums database
  • Install Node.

  • Install chromedriver for running feature tests.

    • brew install chromedriver
  • A note on Python Virtual Environments:

    • We recommend using and managing your virtual environments with virtualenvwrapper.
    • If you are using a shared Virtual Environments directory that is not the default location used by virtualenvwrapper ~/.virtualenvs/, you will need to note this location for later use when running functional tests.
  • Set up the project and install necessary packages:

    • Clone the repository

       $ git clone https://github.com/unicefuganda/eums.git
       $ cd eums
    • Create and source your virtual environment in one of two ways:

      Example 1 - Using virtualenvwrapper

      $ source /usr/local/bin/virutalenvwrapper.sh
      $ mkvirtualenv eums

      Example 2 - Using virtualenv within project directory

      $ virtualenv eums
      $ source eums/bin/activate
    • Install necessary packages

       $ pip install -r requirements.txt
       $ cd eums/client
       $ npm install
       $ npm install -g bower
       $ bower install
       $ npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Set up the database.

     $ cd to/the/project/root
     $ python manage.py migrate
     $ python manage.py setup_permissions
  • Run the tests to verify setup.

     $ ./go bt # runs the backend tests
     $ ./go ut # runs the client unit tests
     $ ./go ft # runs the client functional tests
  • To run all tests together.

     $ ./go at # runs all tests

    If your virtual environment is not at ~/.virtualenvs/ you should append the following to your grunt commands:


    Note #1: See Troubleshooting section below for possible reasons for test failures.

    Note #2: Grunt Karma:Unit tests run on port 8080. If you need these to run on a different port adjust the port value on eums/eums/client/test/karma.conf.js accordingly.

  • Start the redis server

     $ brew install redis
     $ redis-server
  • Create the local super user for logging into the app.

    $ python manage.py createsuperuser

  • Start the application server

     $ cd to/the/project/root
     $ python manage.py runserver


  • Functional tests run on port 9000. If you're having issues running the functional tests, make sure there is no other process using this port

  • When installing packages, we have seen node packages throw a CERT_UNTRUSTED error at times. This is due to a strict SSL issue. In this case, you can add a .bowerrc file in the eums/client directory with the following contents:

     		"directory": "bower_components",
     		"registry": "http://bower.herokuapp.com",
     		"strict-ssl": false
  • At times, npm is unable to set the PhantomJS binary to the correct path, even when installing globally. In this case, set it explicitly.

  • Also note that the karma server and PhantomJS will both run on port 8080. Make sure this port is free when running grunt.