Example Destiny Discord Bot
Copy .env.example
to .env
, and fill it with your Discord and Bungie application credentials
To create a Discord application go to: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/
- Choose appropriate permissions for your application on the "OAuth2" section of your application
- I've been using
, which grants the following permissions:- Send Messages
- Manage Messages
- Embed Links
- Read Message History
- Add Reactions
To create a Bungie application go to: https://www.bungie.net/en/Application
- Your application's redirect URL should be
- Your application's redirect URL should be
Create self-signed certificates for localhost, so the application can run with HTTPS
- I use mkcert, which has releases for macOS, Linux and Windows
- Certificates should be in the root directory of the project, and named:
- localhost-key.pem
- localhost.pem
Install dependencies with npm i
Start the bot with npm start
- This will run the application using
for automatic restarts when you change source files.
Add the bot to your server by visiting it's oauth URL - this should be printed to the console when the bot starts, or you can replace your configuration variables in the following URL:
Add appropriate roles to your bot after it joins your Discord server, so it can access the channels you want.
Test the bot with *hello
or *register
Now you're on your own! Have fun!