
PicoContainer IoC provider for the Jersey REST framework

Primary LanguageJava


This project provides allows the use of PicoContainer-managed instances as Jersey resources.

The Jersey project provides bindings for springframework and google-guice, but I wanted to see what it required to use PicoContainer as an IoC container within Jersey.


Alternatively you can use the archives.watchitlater.com maven repository to fetch the latest binary, source and javadoc JARs.

repositories {
  maven { url "http://archives.watchitlater.com/maven" }

dependencies {
  compile 'com.watchitlater:jersey-pico:1.2.1'


Please take a look at src/test/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml for examples of how to configure the PicoServlet. All the example code is located in the com.sun.jersey.spi.pico.container.servlet.example package in src/test/java.

In addition you can look at the https://github.com/tomcz/jersey-webapps project to see how I wire up a Jersey web application using either jersey-pico or guice as the IoC container.