Uses the public GitHub API to determine the total number of bytes you have written in each programming language by looking through all of your github repositories.
You need:
username (github)-t
PersonalAccessToken helps with rate limiting.
Clone or download the repository and install the requirements.txt with pip
. Run the script with your username & PAT via command line args:
usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-t TOKEN] [-i IGNORE [IGNORE ...]]
Code pollution detector; how many bytes do you do?
-h --help show this help message and exit
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Your GitHub username
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Your GitHub Pesonal Access Token (PAT)
-i IGNORE [IGNORE ...], --ignore IGNORE [IGNORE ...]
An ignore list of repository names
# a dict of all languages you have written with the total number of bytes
bytes_written = {
'HTML': 43437, 'JavaScript': 517276,
'CSS': 32389, 'Java': 16514, 'C++': 25858,
'Elm': 2435, 'SCSS': 15376, 'ASP.NET': 181725,
'C#': 8352, 'Less': 2723, 'Kotlin': 11464,
'Dockerfile': 384, 'Python': 3253, 'TypeScript': 146401}
is helpful for codespace projects, and any repositories owned by other users that you have not forked.- If you hit an error, look for a repository name, append it to this ignore list and try again.