Code pollution detector

Uses the public GitHub API to determine the total number of bytes you have written in each programming language by looking through all of your github repositories.

You need:

Get Started

Clone or download the repository and install the requirements.txt with pip. Run the script with your username & PAT via command line args:

usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-t TOKEN] [-i IGNORE [IGNORE ...]]

Code pollution detector; how many bytes do you do?

  -h --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Your GitHub username
  -t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
                        Your GitHub Pesonal Access Token (PAT)
  -i IGNORE [IGNORE ...], --ignore IGNORE [IGNORE ...]
                        An ignore list of repository names

What you get:

# a dict of all languages you have written with the total number of bytes
bytes_written = {
  'HTML': 43437, 'JavaScript': 517276,
  'CSS': 32389, 'Java': 16514, 'C++': 25858,
  'Elm': 2435, 'SCSS': 15376, 'ASP.NET': 181725,
  'C#': 8352, 'Less': 2723, 'Kotlin': 11464,
  'Dockerfile': 384, 'Python': 3253, 'TypeScript': 146401}


  • --ignore is helpful for codespace projects, and any repositories owned by other users that you have not forked.
    • If you hit an error, look for a repository name, append it to this ignore list and try again.