
MiniProfiler jOOQ example app

Primary LanguageJava

MiniProfiler jOOQ integration example app

The app is a very minimal servlet based app with an embedded H2 database that demonstrates how to execute queries using jOOQ and display the executed SQL using the MiniProfiler.

The app is running at https://miniprofiler-jvm-jooq-example.herokuapp.com/.

To run the app locally, run ./gradlew appRun and visit http://localhost:8080/.

About the MiniProfiler / jOOQ integration

The integration captures SQL statements issued by jOOQ. This has the following benefits over using JDBC DataSource wrappers:

  • jOOQ often formats the SQL better than the built-in SQL formatter.
  • jOOQ inlines variables in the SQL statements correctly, making copying / pasting easier.
  • The integration is much simpler than JDBC DataSource wrapping.
  • Intercepting DataSource instances can be hard to do in certain frameworks.

Using the jOOQ integration

To use the jOOQ integration, configure your jOOQ DSLContext using the MiniProfilerExecuteListenerProvider:

DSLContext ctx = DSL.using(
    new DefaultConfiguration()
        .set(new MiniProfilerExecuteListenerProvider(profilerProvider))

In this example app, this is configured in the Startup class.