Coffee Supply Chain Dapp

This repository containts an Ethereum DApp that demonstrates a Supply Chain flow between a Seller and Buyer. The user story is similar to any commonly used supply chain process. A Seller can add items to the inventory system stored in the blockchain. A Buyer can purchase such items from the inventory system. Additionally a Seller can mark an item as Shipped, and similarly a Buyer can mark an item as Received.

The coffee beans are harvested by the farmers, are then sold to the distributors, and the distributors then distribute them to the retailers, and finally, the consumer purchases them.

Contract Address & Transaction Details

Contract has been deployed on rinkeby test network: 0x61f6e2cca26d016272f56525d20ea6740558265c Transaction Details: 0x1195c69cfe27ebdf4d8aba99603a8d6b808d53677fdbf84202e6fb1772b119cc


  • Truffle : v5.2.5: A development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for blockchains using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), aiming to make life as a developer easier
  • Web3.js: v1.2.1: A collection of libraries that allow you to interact with a local or remote ethereum node using HTTP, IPC or WebSocket.

UML Diagrams

Activity Diagram

Activity diagram.

Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagram.

State Diagram

State diagram.

Class (Data Model) Diagram

Model diagram.



  1. ganache-cli
  2. truffle
  3. metamask
  4. infura account


Install dependencies:

npm i -g truffle ganache-cli

Clone this repository:

git clone

Enter project directory and install the project:

cd blockchain-nanodegree-project-3
npm install

Finally, update infuraKey and mnemonic constants inside the truffle.js config file according to your own values.

  1. mnemonic is the recovery text that metamask gave you on your initial metamask setup.
  2. infuraKey can be obtained from site by creating a new project.


To start developing and making changes on the contract, run:

truffle compile


truffle test

to test your changes.

A user interface is also available and can be accessed at http://localhost:3000 after you initiated the local server:

npm run dev

When you are done and ready to deploy, deploy to the rinkeby network:

truffle migrate --network rinkeby