
Python fundamentals course @Cegeka

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Python fundamentals course


The internal python course held @Cegeka.

In this repository you will find:

  • a presentation, available at gitpitch - with notes or gitpitch - without notes
    • you can download it at the link, or see the text format inside the PITCHME.md file
  • the jupyer notebooks in the code folder, as .ipynb files
  • the python files in the code folder, as .py files

Cloud installation

We have set up a cloud installation at binder.com .

This takes a github repository and creates a server running jupyerlab with it.

It's not suitable for intensive work, but it helps you get around quickly.

Just click on the launch binder button on top, or go to this url.

Local installation

To run the assets locally, the recommended path through a virtual environment. This is an isolated python environment where you can play around without affecting the global python installation.

1. Find a python distribution suited for you

For windows:

Also recommended, install cmder, a beter alternative to cmd. This will also install git locally, so you can use it to easily clone this project.

  • Install cmder - full version (much better than cmd)
  • Open cmder as Administrator

For linux:

  • install python3.6 with your local package manager
apt-get install python3.6

2. Download the project locally

Using git (recommended):

  • open a terminal window
    • on windows, go to the cmder installation on double click on cmder.exe
    • on linux Ctrl+Alt+T usually does the trick
  • go to a directory where you want to make the project
    • windows: cd C:\Users\<user_name>\Desktop
    • linux: cd /home/<user_name>/Desktop
  • clone the project
    • git clone https://github.com/slbucur/python_course.git

You can also use Git for Desktop for downloading purpuses

Using zip:

  • download using this url
  • unzip it where you want it

3. Instantiate a new virtualenv

  • open a terminal window and cd to the folder you just created
    • on windows, it's easy with Shift + Right Click -> open cmd here
    • on linux, just Right Click should to the trick
  • run these commands
    • pipenv install - installs a new virtualenv
    • pipenv shell - changes the shell (terminal) to that environment
  1. Run a jupyterlab instance
  • jupyter lab

Good job 😉