
A simple JavaScript library allowing easy audio streaming using SoundManager2.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Brief Player

Brief Player is a simple JavaScript library allowing easy audio streaming using SoundManager2.


Brief Player requires SoundManager2 JavaScript library.


  1. Copy the folder briefplayer.
  2. Include SoundManager2 and Brief Player.
    <script src="soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js"></script>
    <script src="briefplayer.min.js"></script>
  1. Initialise SoundManager2 and Brief Player.
    <script type="text/javascript">
            url: 'URL to SoundManager2 flash files',
            flashVersion: 9,
            preferFlash: true,
            onready: function () {
                briefPlayer.createSound('URL to audio');
            ontimeout: briefPlayer.events.ontimeout
  1. To use the default theme include the following CSS file and HTML.
    <link href="briefplayer-default-theme.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all">
    <div id="bp_container" class="briefplayer cf">
        <div id="bp_interface">
            <div id="bp_controls">
                <a href="javascript:;" id="bp_play" title="Play"></a>
                <a href="javascript:;" id="bp_pause" title="Pause"></a>
            <div id="bp_position" class="bp-time-holder">0:00:00</div>
            <div class="bp-progress-bar" id="bp_progress_bar">
                <div class="bp-bars">
                    <div id="bp_loaded_bar" class="bp-loaded-bar"></div>
                    <div id="bp_played_bar" class="bp-played-bar"></div>
            <div id="bp_duration" class="bp-time-holder">0:00:00</div>
        <div id="bp_no_solution">
                To play the episode you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your <a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/" target="_blank">Flash plugin</a>.


A live demo can be found on the Brief Player site.

Browser Support

Brief Player has been tested on:

  • Safari 7
  • Chrome 34
  • FireFox 28
  • Opera 20 (w/ Flash)
  • Internet Explorer 10 & 11 (w/ Flash)


Brief Player is distributed under the MIT License.


Changelog can be viewed here.