Undefined variable "obj" or class "obj.Reporting.Error"
Closed this issue · 7 comments
The plugin PTKLobes failed with the following error: Undefined function or variable 'PTKLobeMapForMRI'.
The plugin PTKLobes failed with the following error: Undefined function or variable 'PTKLobeMapForMRI'.
The plugin PTKSaveLobarAnalysisResults failed with the following error: Undefined variable "obj" or class "obj.Reporting.Error".
The plugin PTKSaveLungAnalysisResults failed with the following error: Undefined variable "obj" or class "obj.Reporting.Error".
The plugin PTKSaveADCAnalysisResults failed with the following error: Undefined variable "obj" or class "obj.Reporting.Error".
The plugin PTKSaveCoronalAnalysisResults failed with the following error: Undefined variable "obj" or class "obj.Reporting.Error".
The plugin PTKSaveLungAnalysisResults failed with the following error: Undefined variable "obj" or class "obj.Reporting.Error".
The plugin PTKAirwayDistanceTransform failed with the following error: Undefined variable "obj" or class "obj.Reporting.Error".
The plugin PTKCarina failed with the following error: Undefined variable "obj" or class "obj.Reporting.Error".
The plugin PTKAirwayDistanceTransform failed with the following error: Undefined variable "obj" or class "obj.Reporting.Error".
How can I solve this issue? In every class I have this same problem Undefined variable "obj" or class "obj.Reporting.Error"
Hi. Thanks for reporting the errors!
It looks like you are using an MRI dataset. Unfortunately the analysis plugins (lobar analysis, lung analysis etc.) only work on CT datasets, because the algorithms are CT-based.
In future the analysis buttons will be hidden when an MRI is loaded, to avoid confusion.
There is a bug in the error reporting which you have helped me to find. This caused the above errors and I will fix this in the next release. It still won't work with MRI, but the errors should be more helpful.
I don't know, but have look on Matlab Central. You could also check out some of the popular free software packages to see if there are any plugins to help with segmenting and analysing MRI images
I'm having a similar problem, but with CT scans for every plugin I try.
The plugin PTKLeftAndRightLungs failed with the following error: Undefined function or variable 'reporting'.
The plugin PTKLobes failed with the following error: Undefined function or variable 'reporting'.
The plugin PTKAirways failed with the following error: Undefined function or variable 'reporting'.
The plugin PTKAirwaysLabelledByLobe failed with the following error: Undefined function or variable 'reporting'.
The plugin PTKLeftAndRightLungs failed with the following error: Undefined function or variable 'reporting'.
I tried it in my own CT scans and in LOLA11 too and it gave me always this message error.
How can I solve it?
Patrick Sousa
Hi @PatrickSousa93. A recent bug fix in v0.7.9 might fix your problem, or if not, it might give you more information on your error.
The original issue has now been resolved so I am closing this issue. The actual cause was that CT segmentation plugins cannot be used with MR data. In version 0.8 the CT segmentation plugins are now disabled for MR datasets to reduce confusion. The error messages reported above were due to a bug in the way the error messages were reported to the user, which has now been fixed.