- 0
Placing {#fig:id} arbitrary in a markdown document won't translate the placeholder
#108 opened by zhaokoh - 1
- 9
- 4
No caption numbers in docx output
#106 opened by cgonzalezgar - 3
- 0
Changing figure caption name with babel in LaTeX
#104 opened by mstankie - 1
- 0
Installation of Fignos for windows
#102 opened by mtonkins - 0
Auto-generated caption names want to be bold, when converting from markdown to word.
#101 opened by toshiakiasakura - 1
Figure reference links on epub files are wrong
#99 opened by gvolpe - 0
\theHfigure undefined
#98 opened by bidspells - 3
Label and sizing
#90 opened by SG-phimeca - 0
Issues when converting "*.tex" to "*.html"
#97 opened by Slookeur - 5
Feature Request: Custom seperators
#67 opened by gepcel - 0
Feature Request: `--fail-if-warnings`
#96 opened by cleborys - 0
Using a figure caption as referenced label
#95 opened by aparcar - 0
Hardwire figure numbers in LaTeX
#94 opened by Armavica - 0
- 0
- 0
Please clarify documentation for `pandoc-fignos` and `pandoc-eqnos` when a pandoc defaults file is used
#87 opened by kleinbottle - 3
Pandoc HTML5 Video, Media Fragments
#86 opened by lamyergeier - 4
- 1
Feature Request: Forced numbering to generate caption prefixes for all figures.
#84 opened by stroobandt - 1
Figure numbers restart with each section even though xnos-number-by-section is set to False
#83 opened by stroobandt - 5
Non-breaking space for clever refs in html
#78 opened by timtroendle - 10
- 3
- 2
- 12
- 1
- 0
DOCX: "nolink=True" should work with "no bookmark"
#79 opened by ilcpm - 1
Unsure how to handle an error
#77 opened by ericmjl - 2
[Question] Generating list of figures?
#74 opened by dendrondal - 1
Pandoc-fignos 2.0.0
#70 opened by tomduck - 1
- 1
tablenos format for figures
#71 opened by amichuda - 2
- 5
odt writer produces 'Figure' label twice
#72 opened by lemzwerg - 15
Considering locale of \cref
#68 opened by LukasCBossert - 4
- 5
Feature Request: RST input
#69 opened by tomduck - 12
- 6
- 2
Breaking compatibility with ePub v2
#57 opened by kikofernandez - 1
Issue with the execution of pandoc-fignos
#56 opened by vkeryvin - 2
math in figure caption
#66 opened by c3018911 - 3
- 1
Broken with -f <some markdown>
#64 opened by nikeee - 1
Image cannot be shown if alt text is empty
#62 opened by li-boxuan - 2
Figure numbering with Image Size attribute
#55 opened by shenghxie