WIP: a JUCE module providing helper classes to make it easy to integrate a web-based UI with a JUCE application.
- adamskiCodeGarden / NodeAudio
- akhockey21Atlanta, GA
- alectrocute@ChessCom
- bentheviningChicago, USA
- CatsvillesLeipzig, Germany
- cerkutSound and Music Computing, Aalborg University Copenhagen
- CharlesBT
- COx2COCOTONE, Inc. / JUCE JAPAN / Outlaw Faction
- dsuedholtLondon
- essnUsually cats
- gianmarcohutter
- httnnFinland
- isaacpearlnyc
- JamesStubbsEngWaterloo, Ont. Canada
- jkrukowski@geneva
- jsuoFreelancer
- kopotpMoscow
- krismakesstuffBrooklyn, New York
- KyrillosLAngers/Grenoble FR
- nberrImage-Line
- nicolezimBerlin / London
- remaininlightLondon
- robmckinnon
- rodoortizCDMX
- rosshoyt
- steckes@neodsp
- tbazinMWM
- theyuhiesLondon
- timpulverFreelance
- tmtakashiFukuoka
- tothepoweroftomWild Surmise
- vewilyaLucerne, Switzerland
- visortelleTeal Tools
- yosogawa
- zawang