weather-workshop Widget Library

This widget library was generated with the Dojo CLI & Dojo CLI create widget command.



To create a build of the widget library run npm run build. The built artifacts will be output to the output/dist directory.


This project uses @dojo/parade to generate widget examples, documentation and run widget tests (development only). The widget examples can be found in the src/examples directory, for more information on @dojo/parade please reference the README.

To generate the documentation run npm run docs, the output will be written to output/dist.


To start the @dojo/parade development server run npm run dev, this will start the widget examples with test runner at http://localhost:9999.


This project uses the @dojo/cli-test-intern command for running unit tests, the tests can be run using ts-node using npm test and with a headless browser using npm run test:headless.

Further help

To get help for these commands and more, run dojo on the command line.