Simple project based off the lambada project to get Groovy working with AWS Lambda
Disclaimer: this project is currently a very simple proof of concept to see if/how Groovy would work with AWS Lambda. It is entirely possible that there is an easier way or that I'm including too many jars in the finished zip.
- Ensure gradle is installed. If you don't have it already I'm a huge fan of gvm
curl -s | bash
gvm install gradle
- Clone the project and create a new package in src/groovy or adjust the src/groovy/example class to your liking
- gradle build
- ensure you have a zip in build/distributions/
- login or create an account to access your AWS Console
- click the Lambda link
- click the Create a Lambda function button
- fill in the name, description, select Java 8 as the runtime
- browse to the zip file created in step 2 by clicking on the upload button
- the handler should be in the form package.class::handler or example.GroovyLambdaExample::groovyHandler if you're using the example code
- create and/or select an execution role, ie basic_lambda_execution
- click the create lambda button