The Docmail Service Provider can be installed via Composer by requiring the Softlabs/docmail
package and setting the minimum-stability
to dev
in your project's composer.json
"require": {
"laravel/framework": "4.0.*",
"Softlabs/docmail": "1.*"
"minimum-stability": "dev"
Also you need to add the repository to composer.json:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
This package contains two classes:
- Docmail
- DocmaiAPI
This class allows making Docmail API calls. Every public function in DocmailAPI class is mapped to a single Docmail API call.
$templateGUID = DocmailAPI::AddTemplateFile($options);
This code send a AddTemplateFile call to the API with parameters $option and results the template GUID.
Docmail class contains complex methods, not only single API calls. For example the following method Docmail::sendToSingelAddress creates a new mailing, adds an address and uploads a template file:
public function sendToSingelAddress($options = []) {
$this->mailingGUID = DocmailAPI::CreateMailing();
$options["MailingGUID"] = $this->mailingGUID;
$result = DocmailAPI::AddAddress($options);
$this->templateGUID = DocmailAPI::AddTemplateFile($options);
In your code you can combine the two classes, like:
$dm = new SoftlabsDocmail();
"Address1" => "address line 1",
"FilePath" => "../sample.pdf",
$satus = DocmailAPI::GetStatus($dm->getMailingGUID());
API call parameters can get its values from various sources (in ascending priority order):
method parameters
docmail config file (/app/config/Softlabs/docmail.php)
return array( 'username' => 'myusername', 'password' => 'mypassword', 'wsdl' => '', 'productType' => "A4Letter", 'printColor' => false, 'printDuplex' => false, 'deliveryType' => "Standard", 'despatchASAP' => true, 'MinimumBalance' => 200, 'AlertEmail' => "" );
defalut values set in DocmailAPI class
private static $defaults = [ "Username" => null, "Password" => null, "wsdl" => null, "timeout" => 240, "DocumentType" => "A4Letter" ];
$data = [
"lastName" => "lastname2",
"address1" => "address line 1",
"postCode" => "PostCode",
"filePath" => "../sample.pdf",
"templateName" => "Sample Template 01",
"submit" => true,
$options = [
"printColour" => true,
"firstClass" => true,
$result = SoftlabsDocmail::sendToSingelAddress($data, $options);