
Primary LanguageCartoCSS


This repository contains the "Kaufmich Light" map style

See here for instructions to create a custom map style, from a template (OSM Bright)

Getting started

Ensure you have a working tile server before starting

Get everything needed

Run these commands on the frontend server

# cd /usr/local/share/maps/style
# rm master.zip
# wget https://github.com/tomedme/km-style/archive/master.zip
# unzip master.zip
# cd km-style-master
# chmod +x extras/*.sh
# ./extras/get-shapes.sh

Retrieve & load the full data into the database

  • you may need to edit the bounding box in get-full-data.sh
  • the import will take a long time (12 hours or more) - use screen!
# cd extras/
# ./get-full-data.sh
# mv europe-merged.osm.pbf ~/tile-server-master/
# cd ~/tile-server-master/
# ./3_load-data.sh europe-merged.osm.pbf

After the data is fully imported, create the indexes

# cd /usr/local/share/maps/style/km-style-master/extras/
# sudo -u postgres psql -d gis < indexes.sql

Compile the stylesheet

If the database and frontend are on the same server, use "project-local.mml", otherwise edit the database connection settings in "project-remote.mml"

# carto project-{local|remote}.mml > kaufmich.xml

Update /usr/local/etc/renderd.cnf - add this section at the bottom:


Restart renderd

# /etc/init.d/renderd restart

Use the render.php script to generate the tile numbers for render.sh

  • you can get the coordinates from the OpenStreetMap "Export" functionality
  • change the "N" parameter to the number of cores you have access to
# cd /usr/local/share/maps/style/km-style-master/extras/
# php render.php 8.2102,47.2750,8.8570,47.5274

Render all the tiles needed

Add the output from render.php into render.sh, then run the script

  • this will take some time (a few hours or more) - use screen!
# ./render.sh

Final steps

Once rendering has finished, you need to convert the metatiles to png images

# cd ~/
# rm master.zip
# wget https://github.com/tomedme/meta2tile/archive/master.zip
# unzip meta2tile-master.zip
# cd meta2tile-master/
# make

Create the directory that will contain the png files

# cd ~/
# mkdir tiles

Convert the metatiles

# ~/meta2tile-master/meta2tile /var/lib/mod_tile/kaufmich ~/tiles

Final step is to transfer the png files to the image store on the cluster